Bay Island Associations.
These institutions play an important role for The Bay Islands. These organizations share in the co-management of protected areas between Municipalities and NGOs (for example, BICA), to more specific and localized work carried out by organizations with programs of equal importance, which support the conservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity exists in this region.
Although these cultures inhabit a relatively small and geographically isolated area, by its nature of islands, there has not been a true social cohesion. There is a weak social organization, which is not beneficial to the general well-being of populations in the area. Management lacks the resources, and a real social cohesion is necessary to facilitate the processes of better community and conservation management. A well-funded organization could achieve significant results in the well-being of the communities in general.
In the case of Roatán, there are organizations such as:
Roatán Marine Park (RMP)
Coral Reef Alliance & Healthy Reefs Initiative
Municipality of Roatán
Municipality of Santos de Guardiola
General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Digepesca)
Port Captain, Tourist-Free Zone (ZOLITUR)
In Guanaja there is the:
Institutional actors of the Municipality of Guanaja
The Honduran Institute Tourism
Port Captain Civil society.
The Honduran Institute of Tourism
There are several institutional actors in the Bay Islands, who make an effort to work in conservation of the environmental wealth and the well-being of the communities, for example, in the case of Utila, there is the:
Bay Islands Conservation Association (BICA-Utila)
The Bay Islands Foundation (Iguana Station),
Whale Shark & Oceanic Research Center
Center for Marine Ecology (Utila Ecology)
Utila Dive Safety & Environmental Council (UDSEC)
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Municipality of Utila Port Captain Civil Society.