Vulnerable People

Vulnerable People Guide

A Guide for Vulnerable People

It is essential to understand the necessary measures for protecting elderly vulnerable people who are at higher risk of becoming ill from COVID-19. 

Severe illness means that the person with COVID-19 may require hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe. We created this guide for family members and caregivers of the elderly to take into account how to protect our older adults from the virus.

We define "vulnerable people" as those with a higher risk of infection and mortality born from COVID-19. Those affected by previous illnesses and those with special needs are also considered vulnerable people. 

Among them we can find:

  • Organ transplant recipients.

  • Cancer patients (all types of cancer or in the process of a treatment).

  • People with severe respiratory conditions.

  • People with rare diseases that increase the risk of infections.

  • People on immunosuppression therapies that can significantly increase the risk of infection.

  • Pregnant women who have significant, congenital, or acquired heart disease.

  • Others identified as being at increased risk of becoming seriously ill if receiving COVID-19.

  • It will also depend on the severity of each condition, the history, or/and treatment levels. If you are not sure of the severity of your disease, you should contact your specialist.

It would help if you considered these measures as preventive in the fight against COVID-19. 

Reduce Your Risk of Getting COVID-19 by Staying Home

  1. Limit your interactions with other people as much as possible

  2. If outdoors, take extra care between people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet).

  3. When outdoors, try not to come in contact with members of your house. If living alone and spending time outdoors, make sure you interact with a minimal number of people.

  4. If leaving home, make sure to wash your hands regularly and maintain social distancing.

  5. Avoid meetings of any size. These include family and social gatherings.

  6. Avoid contact with anyone having COVID-19 symptoms (a cough, a high temperature, etc.).

  7. Stay at home if you are not comfortable meeting others.

Aware of Hand-washing and Respiratory Hygiene

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Especially:

  • Before eating or preparing food

  • Before touching your face

  • After using the restroom

  • After leaving a public place

  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing

  • After handling your cloth face covering

  • After changing a diaper

  • After caring for someone sick

  • After touching animals or pets

  1. Avoid touching your face without your hands washed

  2. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others

  3. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. If surfaces are dirty, clean them. Then, use a household disinfectant.

Ask for Help with Medicine and Food If Needed

  • Ask for help from family, friends, and neighbors if necessary, and use online services when available to avoid leaving home. Some pharmacies, stores, and supermarkets offer home delivery and assistance. Find out which ones offer this service in your city.


Caregivers or visitors who help you with your everyday needs can continue to visit unless they have COVID-19 symptoms. If you are taking care of someone vulnerable or with illness, you can take some simple steps to protect them and reduce their risk:

  1. Do not visit or provide care if you are not feeling well or having symptoms.

  2. It would help if you washed your hands when you arrive and frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  3. Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. Throw used tissues into the trash and immediately wash your hands.

  4. Inform the person you are caring for about who they should call if they are not feeling well.

  5. Look after your well-being and physical health.

  6. Only provide care if it is essential.

Monitor Your Health Daily

  1. Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other signs of COVID-19. Especially if you are running errands.

  2. Take your temperature if symptoms develop. Don't measure your temperature after taking medications that could lower your temperature, like acetaminophen.

COVID Responsible
Businesses on Roatan

Given the situation with COVID-19, we have prepared a guide with a list of best practices to help local businesses prepare for a return to business in a post COVID world. Our guide is based on commonly accepted international guidelines, and we hope you will take a moment to review it in depth. Moreover, if you believe your business already meets these international guidelines, let us know as we would like to add your business to a list of companies in compliance with international COVID standards.

Register as a COVID Responsible Business


*Registered businesses will be published on the “COVID Responsible Directory” (below) of local businesses operating under recommended COVID guidelines.

COVID Responsible Directory

Submitted OnBusiness NameBusiness TypeEmailBiz Website
07/06/2020 10:56:13Eldons SupermarketCommercial Establishmentchyde@suncorporation.com
07/07/2020 07:49:31BIGMIKES AUTOCARE AND SALESCommercial Establishmentbigmike.26@gmail.com
07/08/2020 08:02:07RoacarCommercial Establishmentroacarwestend@gmail.com
07/07/2020 00:29:05Agasam FilmCommercial Establishmentinfo@agasam-film.com
07/08/2020 08:53:19Island Ferry S.ACommercial Establishmenten@utilaferry.com
07/06/2020 00:09:55Tabyana Beach ResortHospitality Servicesgalindomt@hotmail.com
07/06/2020 13:52:26LovinRoatanHospitality Servicesrico@lovinroatanwedding.com
07/06/2020 13:54:04West Bay Golf Club & VillasHospitality Servicesgerencia@westbaygolfclubvillas.com
07/05/2020 20:50:15Blue Bahia RedortHotel/Resortkim@bluebahia.com
07/06/2020 00:00:30Naboo Resort & Dive CenterHotel/Resortinfo@nabooresort.com
07/06/2020 07:06:10Puerta AzulHotel/Resortpuertaazulroatan@gmail.com
07/06/2020 15:36:35The Beach House Boutique HotelHotel/Resortmail@thebeachhouseroatan.com
07/06/2020 16:51:36Bananarama dive and beach resortHotel/Resortmanager@bananarama.com
07/06/2020 17:55:29The Beach House Boutique HotelHotel/Resortmail@thebeachhouseroatan.com
07/06/2020 00:13:31Governor’s Palace RestaurantRestaurantgalindomt@hotmail.com
07/06/2020 13:41:45Hangover HutRestaurantjavavinerocks@gmail.com
07/07/2020 21:32:30GiLei’s CafeRestaurantgileiscafe@gmail.com
07/08/2020 20:01:02Kaylies Reclaimed OriginalsRetail Operationdecress@rogers.com
07/05/2020 22:07:08Roatan Cigar FactoryRetail Operationroatancigarsfactory@gmail.com
07/06/2020 13:46:29Isla de IntercambioRetail Operationiic.accts@gmail.comhttp://Isladeintercambio
07/08/2020 08:55:55Diamonds International Honduras S.ARetail Operationhonduras@shopdi.com
07/05/2020 19:29:50Scuba ShopScuba Operationok@scuba.shophttps://Scuba.Shop
07/05/2020 21:44:02Dive Scouts of RoatanScuba Operationmirtamarozzi@gmail.com
07/05/2020 21:46:02Las Rocas DivingScuba Operationinfo@lasrocasresort.com
07/06/2020 00:01:37Naboo Resort & Dive CenterScuba Operationinfo@nabooresort.com
07/06/2020 11:49:32Octopus Dive SchoolScuba Operationoctopusdiveschool@gmail.com
07/06/2020 14:25:33Sandy Bay DiversScuba Operationsandybaydivers@gmail.com
07/06/2020 17:23:51Reef Gliders Dive CenterScuba Operationreefgliders@live.com
07/07/2020 09:59:23MC Tours RoatanTour Guideroatan-sales@mctours-honduras.com
07/07/2020 16:55:38Pirates of the Caribbean CanopyTour Guideinfo@roatanpiratescanopy.com
07/05/2020 19:48:07Gumbalimba ParkTour Guideinfo@gumbalimbapark.com
07/05/2020 21:24:02Roatan ToursTour Guideinfo@roatan.tourshttps://Roatan.Tours
07/05/2020 21:39:24Roatan OnlineTour Guideinfo@roatan.onlinehttps://Roatan.Online
07/06/2020 12:07:37Charlie's Roatan ToursTour Guidecharliemillerbodden@yahoo.com
07/06/2020 13:43:21Roatan Tour Guide AssociationTour Guideroatantourguideassociation@gmail.com

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